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Privacy Policy



This Privacy Policy describes and explains the information collection practices of DIGI-TALKS HUB in relation to this website (the “Site”). The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform its visitors and or users about the types of information that DIGI-TALKS HUB may collect online when they visit the Site, how we might use that information, whether we disclose it to anyone, and informs them of the actions they take take regarding our use of and their ability to correct that information. 


Personal data or personal information means data relating to a living person who is capable of being identified. Users of the Site (“User(s)”) will from time to time provide DIGI-TALKS HUB with personal data such as the user’s name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, as well as company/employer’s name and position in the company/employer. By using the Site, our visitors and or users unconditionally consent to the collection, processing, storing and use of their personal information by DIGI-TALKS HUB in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Such personal information may be passed to and processed by one or more companies in the DIGI-TALKS HUB.


DIGI-TALKS HUB, never collect your personal information for any purposes.


Cookies are small files which, depending on user’s browser settings, may be automatically gathered and kept on user’s system’s hard drive when user’s Web browser accesses a particular Web page.

The cookies on the DIGI-TALKS HUB are set up by us. They may be used for a number of purposes – for example, to maintain continuity during a user session, to store your preferences for certain kinds of information and marketing purposes, or to store user’s and or visitor’s registration data so that they do not have to provide such useful and or personal information every time they return to the desired Site. The sit’s users, and or visitors may not be able to use specific aspects of the website or their use of the website may be less than optimal if their browser is set to reject cookies. They unconditionally consent to the use of cookies by DIGI-TALKS HUB.


Your personal information shall not be transferred to anyone. DIGI-TALKS HUB personnel will however comply with this policy relating to processing of personal data, if needed in the future and will update its privacy policy.


DIGI-TALKS HUB does not sell, trade or rent your personally identifiable information. DIGI-TALKS HUB will not transfer (other than for routing purpose) the personal information you provide to any third party outside of the DIGI-TALKS HUB, except (a) with your consent; (b) as may be required by law or court order; (c) to persons or companies with whom DIGI-TALKS HUB has contracts to carry out the international operations of the Site.


DIGI-TALKS HUB acknowledges its users and or visitor’s trust and is committed to protecting the information (if asked or collected) they may provide. DIGI-TALKS HUB places great importance in the security of all information associated with our employees, customers and business partners. The Site DIGI-TALKS HUB- https://digitalkshub.blogspot.com/ has security initiatives in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Any information that is collected by DIGI-TALKS HUB both now and in the future is and will be stored in a secure operating environment that is not available to the public.

Information is stored (if collected and or stored in future) in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and in accordance with our own strict policy of protecting employees, customers’ and business partners’ information.


To modify or update information collected (If in future) through this web site please email the goingonline1975@gmail.com com advising of the associated modifications/updates or request to remove your personally identifiable information.


The DIGI-TALKS HUB website may have links to other websites, provided solely as a convenience to its visitors and or users. They are under no obligation to use any of these links, but if they choose to do so please be aware that third party websites have separate content, privacy and data and or information collection policies, ex. Google Privacy Policy at http://www.google.com/policies/privacy. Users can revoke that DIGI-TALKS HUB’s access to their data via the Google security settings page at https://security.google.com/settings/security/permissions. DIGI-TALKS HUB accepts no responsibility, accountability and or liability for these independent policies.


This Site DIGI-TALKS HUB at https://digitalkshub.blogspot.com/ is designed and developed for use by adult natural persons, and is not in any way targeted or intended for use by natural persons under the age of 18- years. As such, DIGI-TALKS HUB at https://digitalkshub.blogspot.com/ will not intentionally gather and or maintain data or information from children. If we discover, or are notified of, personal data from a child on the Site at DIGI-TALKS HUB at https://digitalkshub.blogspot.com/ we will remove and delete that data unless his or she authorized representative consents to such use.


This online Privacy Policy from DIGI-TALKS HUBmay change from time to time. Please review this Privacy Policy periodically so that you are aware of any changes or amendments. Continued use of the Site following such changes will signify that you agree to any such changes.


If you have any questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, DIGI-TALKS HUB can be contacted by email at goingonline1975@gmail.com com for the attention of the DIGI-TALKS HUB Data Controller.

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